The slingshot competition titled "Target 12 in Sepsis," organized by the Department of Pediatrics at our University’s Faculty of Medicine and the Turkish Association of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care, was held in the garden of the Culture Center at our University’s Rectorate Campus as part of the awareness events for World Sepsis Day on September 13, aimed at drawing attention to sepsis and its related issues.
During the event, attended by Rector Prof. Uğur Ünal, Vice Rectors Prof. Hasan Tezer, Prof. Necdet Hayta, and Prof. Serhat Karyeyen, Rector’s Advisor Prof. Selami Candan, Secretary General Mustafa Afşar, and Dean of the Faculty of Technology Prof. Musa Atar, speeches were delivered by Assoc. Prof. Mutlu Uysal Yazıcı, a faculty member from the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit; Prof. Özlem Tekşam, President of the Turkish Association of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care; and Prof. Aysun Bideci, Head of the Department of Pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine. Following these speeches, Vice Rector Prof. Hasan Tezer highlighted the importance of early intervention in sepsis and extended his thanks to the faculty members of the Faculty of Medicine and the Turkish Association of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care for organizing the event.
Rector Prof. Uğur Ünal emphasized the significant role of universities in raising public awareness and expressed his gratitude to all the faculty members who contributed to the competition organized for World Sepsis Day on September 13.
Following the opening speeches, the slingshot competition began, with doctors working in the Pediatric Emergency Departments of hospitals in Ankara participating.
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