Record Number of Applications Received for the G3 Business Ideas Competition
Organized for the third time this year by our University's Technology Transfer Office, the G3 Business Ideas Competition received a record number of applications. A total of 86 aspiring entrepreneurs were evaluated in the competition, which attracted interest from students and academics in various fields such as health sciences, natural and engineering sciences, and educational sciences. Applications from different faculties, vocational schools, and institutes of our university will be assessed following the training sessions provided to the aspiring entrepreneurs.
The Research Universities Monitoring, Evaluation, and Execution (İDY) Board Meeting Held
The Research Universities Monitoring, Evaluation, and Execution (İDY) Board Meeting Held
Faculty of Dentistry Gains A Virtual Reality Laboratory
Faculty of Dentistry Gains A Virtual Reality Laboratory
Gazi University Academics and Administrative Staff Turkish Classical Music Choir Presented a Musical Feast
Gazi University Academics and Administrative Staff Turkish Classical Music Choir Presented a Musical Feast
Gazi University 2023 Best Doctoral Theses Award Ceremony
The "Gazi University 2023 Best Doctoral Theses Award Ceremony," organized in collaboration with Gazi University, Türkiye Halk Bankası, and Gazi Technopark, was held with great enthusiasm.
President of the Wrestling Federation Taha Akgül Visited Rector Prof. Uğur Ünal
President of the Wrestling Federation Taha Akgül Visited Rector Prof. Uğur Ünal
"Project Opportunities for Academics and Entrepreneurs within the Scope of the European Union" Conference
The Conference on "Project Opportunities for Academics and Entrepreneurs within the Scope of the European Union" Was Held.
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Security Command Center

Security Command Center

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