"21st Türkiye Bird Conference" Hosted by Gazi University
18 October 2024 | 11:17

"The 21st Türkiye Bird Conference: Wildlife Crimes and Birds" is taking place at our University's Rectorate Mimar Kemaleddin Hall between October 18-20, 2024. This year's conference partners include our University's Faculty of Science Department of Biology, Gazi University Biological Monitoring and Research Society, and the Middle East Technical University Birdwatching Society. The conference is supported by the Nature Association, the European Union Civil Society Program, and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Program.

The conference, held with the participation of our Vice Rector Prof. Serhat Karyeyen, began with a moment of silence and the National Anthem. In his opening speech, our University's Advisor to the Rector, Faculty Member of Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Prof. Selami Candan stated that our country, due to its geographical location, holds international importance both for breeding bird populations and for migratory and wintering birds. Prof. Selami Candan emphasized that scientific research on birds and efforts to protect wildlife in Türkiye have been increasing day by day. He highlighted the national and international significance of the 2024 Türkiye Bird Conference, whose theme is "Wildlife Crimes and Birds," for academics and civil society organizations in terms of research, conservation, and site defense activities. He also thanked the organizers and participating researchers for their contributions.

Following Prof. Selami Candan's speech, Gökmen Argun, National Coordinator of GEF-SGP Turkey, and Tuba Kılıç Karcı, Chair of the Board of the Nature Association, expressed their gratitude to our University's Rectorate, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology of our University and the Biological Monitoring and Research Society for hosting the 21st Türkiye Bird Conference.

After the opening speeches, presentations of national and international scientific studies on birds and wildlife from various fields, commenced, marking the start of the two-day conference.

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