QS Regional Director Sergei Khristoliubov Visited Gazi University
1 February 2023 | 16:42

Sergei Khristoliubov, the Regional Director of the QS Rating Agency visited Gazi University.

Adding to its successes in International Ratings every day, Gazi University continues in making a name for itself in the international arena. During the visit made by the Regional Director of the QS Rating Agency, Sergei Khristoliubov,  a meeting was held under the chairmanship of Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ramazan Bayındır. The meeting, which was held in the Rectorate New Senate Hall, was also attended by  International Relations Institution Coordinator Assoc. Dr. Aslıhan Selcen Bingöl, Assistant Coordinator Research Asst. Dr. Fatima Nur Fişne and International Ratings Unit Supervisor Lect. Sercan Sezer.

After Vice-Rector Prof. Dr.  Ramazan Bayındır's opening speech, Res. Asst. Dr. Fatima Nur Fişne made a presentation  specifically for the QS Rating Agency which reflected Gazi University's perspective on international ratings. QS ranking outputs of Gazi university were evaluated with the presentation prepared by QS Regional Director Sergei Khristoliubov. After the evaluations, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ramazan Bayındır presented a gift to Sergei Khristoliubov. After the meeting, Sergei Khristoliubov visited the International Relations Institution Coordinator and received information about their work.

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