Working in cooperation with the State Language Development Department of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic Spirituality and Enlightenment Center (O‘Zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining Davlat Tilini Rivojlantirish Departamenti Respublika Ma’naviyat Va Ma’rifat Markazi) Gazi Faculty of Education Turkish and Social Sciences Education Department Turkish Education Department Faculty Professor Prof. Dr. Fatma Açık won the second prize in the category of "Best Article Written in Uzbek" in the scientific contest titled "Let your position be high, my mother tongue" (Qadring baland bo‘lsin, ona tilim).
The award presentation ceremony held at the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Turkey was attended by Uzbekistan Ambassador to Turkey Alishir Azamhocayey, Uzbekistan Education and Culture Advisor Sho'hrat Yig'italiyev; Dean of Gazi Faculty of Education Prof. Dr. Mahmut Selvi, Coordinator of University Education and External Relations Institution Prof. Dr. İhsan Kalenderoğlu, University Faculty of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine Department Department of Internal Medicine Department Faculty of Internal Medicine Prof. Dr. Kadriye Altok and University Faculty of Science Biology Department Professor Prof. Dr. Leyla Açık. We congratulate Prof. Dr. Fatma Açık and wish her continued success.
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