Gazi University in University-Industry Cooperation Online Meeting was Held
17 February 2021 | 18:50

The 'Gazi University in University-Industry Cooperation' meeting organized by the Research and Development Institution Coordinatorship of our University was held online. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ramazan Bayındır and Coordinator of Research and Development Institution Prof. Dr. Zeynel Seferoğlu, deans and faculty members attended the meeting.

The meeting began with the speech of our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız. Stating that Gazi University is an important educational and research center with a research university quality, our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız said that one of the most important tasks of research universities is to present the knowledge produced to the development of the industry. Expressing that they want to increase university-industry cooperation, Yıldız said that they aim to contribute to the development of domestic and national technology by opening the most important power of expert academic staff to the industry with projects.

Explaining that there is a Research and Development Institution Coordinatorship, a Technology Transfer Office, a Technopark and Project Offices within our university structure, Rector Musa Yıldız instructed all research and development - units and managers to work with the faculty members of our University in industrial cooperation.

Our Rector, Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız, expressed his request to the faculty members to introduce the students to the industry by saying, "We must work hard in the coming process." Prof. Dr. Yıldız said that industrial-doctoral programs should be emphasized in master studies.

By asking faculty members to increase interdisciplinary studies, our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız expressed his support for faculty members to do joint academic studies with academicians at national and international universities.

Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız said that there were problems in the revolving capital system due to the legislation and that some arrangements were made in line with the incoming requests. Yıldız said that support for intellectual rights – patents and commercialization issues for the products resulting from research activities will continue, and that they are also working on the more efficient use of support in the Scientific Research Projects unit.

Our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ramazan Bayındır also discussed specialization and mission differentiation in higher education.  Talking about the performance criteria that the Council of Higher Education pays attention to in university scoring, Bayındır listed these criteria as research capacity, interaction and cooperation, and research quality. Prof. Dr. Ramazan Bayındır compared our University to other research universities in terms of these criteria. Referring to the Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index of 2020, Prof. Dr. Bayındır said that our University ranks 18th in the overall ranking. Ramazan Bayındır also talked about what needs to be done in terms of coming to the top.

Coordinator of Research and Development Institution Prof. Dr. Zeynel Seferoğlu indicated that the reason for the establishment of the coordination in 2019 was so that Scientific Research Projects (BAP), Technology Transfer Office, application and research centers and the central research laboratory, in which its establishment is on the agenda, would be gathered under one roof.   Prof. Dr. Seferoğlu explained that as a unit, they conducted studies on coordination between research units, research indicators, revealing research strategies, priority areas in research, research motivation and research collaborations.

Prof. Dr. Seferoğlu said that Gazi University as a coordinator is a university with equipped and high quality faculty members, but they determined that its motivation should be increased in their examination. Prof. Dr. Seferoğlu stated that as coordinator, all academicians can deliver their suggestions, requests and wishes in every field and said that they will return to them as quickly as they can. Prof. Dr. Zeynel Seferoğlu gave information about the status and projects of Gazi University in university-industry cooperations and as Coordinator made suggestions to increase cooperation

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