“Sky Room” has been opened in Gazi University’s hospital so as to honour the memory of Prof. Dr. Kemali Baykaner, one of the most esteemed professors of our country in the field of pediatric neurosurgery.
Prof. Dr. Kemali Baykaner, who is one of the founding faculty members of the Department of Neurosurgery in our university and the head of the Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, has lost his life at the age of 67 in 21 September 2016. The “Sky Room” that has been opened in the memory of Prof. Dr. Kemali Baykaner will be utilized by pediatric neurosurgery patients. The “Sky Room” has been designed to contribute to the healing process of the pediatric patients between the ages of 3 to 15. Two toiles that has been desired by Prof. Dr. Kemali Baykaner for the children to make their rooms more colorful and to cheer them up has set a basis for the design of the “Sky Room” and the room is designed accordingly.
Sky Room Project of Kemali Baykaner, which is an interdisciplinary project carried out with the coordination of the Faculty of Fine Arts Lecturer, Doç. Dr. Bülent Salderay, has been organized by the Gazi University’s Research and Application Center for Visual Arts Education for the Individuals with Disabilities (GEGSEM) and Gazi University’s Research and Application Hospital Department of Neurosurgery, Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery. The project is supported by Gazi University’s Health Research and Application Center, Gazi University Faculty of Fine Arts, Gazi University’s Faculty of Art and Design, Gazi University’s Faculty of Education Division of Art Education under the body of Department of Fine Arts Education, Gazi University’s Faculty of Medicine and Gazi University’s Institute of Educational Sciences.
Kemali Baykaner’s Sky Room bears the title of the only room of Turkey established within the scope of “healing hospital designs”.
22.12.2016 / Consultancy of Press and Public Relations
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