To support healthcare professionals who are working in hospitals due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to make them feel that they are not alone in the struggle, the Doctors Worldwide Association carried out the “Healthcare worker’s motivation kit project.” The kits were gifted to 300 healthcare workers at our university (doctors, nurses, cleaners, security guards…). This process was carried out by our students who are members of the Young Doctors Worldwide Association.
The kit includes; a thank you card, snacks (nut bar, chocolate, instant coffee mixture, Turkish coffee, Tea bag, sugar, chewing gum) mini pillow, towel, saddlebag, pen and waterproof telephone strap.
In the scope of the project, the kit was distributed to a total of over three thousand COVID services personnel in 27 university hospitals located in 19 provinces.
Gazi Hospital Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Mehmet Arhan thanked the Doctors Worldwide Association for not forgetting the healthcare professionals working during the pandemic and thanked the Young Doctors Worldwide Association for the distribution of these kits.
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