RTÜK’s Former Vice Chairman and the Dean of Gazi University Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Zakir Avşar has been selected as ‘Positive Educator of the Year’ at the award ceremony organized by Turkey Radio Programmers Association (RADEV). ‘People Transforming Negative to Positive 7. RADEV Plus Awards’ were given with a ceremony organized at Bakırkoy Cem Karaca Cultural Center on 7 January. The awards were given in the Talent, RADEV Pacta Sunt Servande (Agreements must be kept), Politics-Bureaucracy, Radio Friendly, Music Art and Press fields. The opening speeches were made by RTUK’s Former Vice Chairman and the Dean of Gazi University Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Zakir Avşar and the Governor of Sakarya Hüseyin Avi Çoş and then the ‘People Transforming Negative to Positive 7. RADEV Plus Awards’ were given.
Awards were given to many people from politics, art and sports communities. ‘Radio programming Honor Award’, to the president of TRT Şenol Göka, ‘Positive Governor of the Year’ to Governor of Sakarya Hüseyin Avi Çoş, ‘Positive Undersecretary of the Year’ to Undersecretary of Ministry of Youth and Sports Faruk Özçelik, ‘Positive Bureaucrat of the Year’ to the General Manager of Ministry of Finance General Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Control İlhan Hatipoğlu, ‘Positive District Governor of the Year’ to Istanbul Basaksehir District Governor Kazım Tekin, ‘Positive Mayor of the Year’ to Mayor of Gebze Adnan Köşker and Manisa Yunusemre Mayor Dr. Mehmet Çerçi, ‘Positive Educator of the Year’ to RTUK’s Former Vice Chairman and the Dean of Gazi University Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Zakir Avşar, ‘ Positive Chancellor of the Year’ to Kemerburgaz University Chancellor Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan, were given and ‘ Positive Scientist of the Year’ award was given to Historian- Writer and TV programmer Dr. Servet Avşar for his successful studies on history. Awards given in Press-Communication fields were distributed among TRT Okul, TRT1 TRT Turk, TRT Music, TRT FM, İHA and A Haber.
Pine saplings were distributed to all the guest within RADEV’s Social responsibility Project.
08.01.2016 / Consultancy of Press and Public Relations
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