Won the First Prize from the Industry Applications Society...
19 October 2016 | 11:51


Our Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgül Salor-Durna and Our PhD Student Erinç Altıntaş Won the First Prize from the Industry Applications Society

Our Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgül Salor-Durna and his PhD student Erinç Altıntaş are among the writers of the paper titled "Correlation Between Multiple Electric Arc Operations and Unscheduled Power Flows in the Interconnection Lines at the Eastern Cross Border of ENTSO-E" presented at the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting 2015. The paper won the first prize and was deemed worthy of the "Outstanding Paper Award’ by the "IEEE Industry Applications Society, Metal Industry Committee"

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