Gazi University Faculty of Science Journal (GÜFFD) Has Begun Its Publication Life
12 February 2021 | 21:18

Gazi University Faculty of Science Journal (GÜFFD) to which our rector Musa Yıldız has concession to, has begun its publication life after releasing its first volume. Managed by the Dean of Gazi University Faculty of Science Prof. Dr. Suat Kıyak and edited by Prof. Dr. Deniz Yüzbaşıoğlu, the first volume of The Gazi University Faculty of Science Journal (GÜFFD) was published as an e-journal as of December 2020 (e-ISSN 2757-5543).

Original research articles and review articles submitted to the journal for publication in the fields of biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and statistics, are reviewed by at least two referees who are experts in their field before they are accepted. Gazi University Faculty of Science Journal is an international peer-reviewed and open-access e-journal which accepts publications in Turkish.

The journal, which has also started to be scanned in international databases (indexes), is being scanned by Index Copernicus (Field Index), Google Scholar, ResearchGate, ZENODO and OpenAire / Explore.

From its first issue a digital object identifier (DOI) is assigned to all articles published.

All articles published in the e-journal are already archived and accessible in "ZENODO". The articles published in the e-journal will soon be stored in the internet archive - and will be available for access.

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